From Iceland — Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 15, 2014

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 15, 2014

Published September 26, 2014

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 15, 2014

Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to

Most Awesome Letter of the Issue

Hello The Reykjavik Grapevine Editor,

I just saw a Facebook post on Ban Thai review. Interesting review I must say although I wish I could answer the question you asked in the post (“What’s your take?”)

See, the thing is that I am Thai. I live in Bangkok, and I’ve never been to Iceland (not yet anyway). I’m planning my visit in September, and given how Ban Thai has been consistently getting a rapturous praise, I’d like to see for myself if their food is, in fact, “as authentic as it gets in Iceland.”

I would welcome the chance to perhaps write a review on Ban Thai from my perspective. It will be a fun read I reckon. Promise I won’t approach it in a douchey holier-than-thou-I’m-Thai-what-do-you-Icelandic-know-about-Thai-food way.

So, what’s your take?

Cheers 🙂



Thanks for your letter! We’d love to hear what you think of the restaurant, so let’s be in touch when September approaches.



Hello Grapevine,

Well, I’ve been in Iceland for almost a week now, and I went to Ban Thai the other day for quick dinner. Loved the supremely old school Thai restaurant vibe, and I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by two Icelandic girls dressed in a traditional Thai costume!

Gotta say, the menu is impressive compared to, say, Noodle Station (hehe). Needing something fiery, my eyes wasted no time and searched for the items proudly certified with the five chillies. After a bit of an internal debate, I settled upon Pad Kra Prao Moo Sab. A humble, standard affair, but you know how you can pretty much judge a restaurant by a simple dish of that particular cuisine?

I nursed my Singha while waiting, feeling vaguely at home. It was nice hearing the dish of my choosing being prepared through the wall. And as soon as this Thai pop hit finished, the glamourously dolled up waitress emerged with my food (did I mention she was an Icelander?). With steamed rice at the ready, I dug in. Now, I would be lying if I say it tastes just like a Pad Kra Prao that you get off Bangkok streets, but it came pretty damn close! Pad Kra Pao tends to be dry back home, but Mr. Boonchang’s version came with the sauce aplenty. No complaints there, because I thought it was delicious. Plus they weren’t kidding around with the five chillies certification. At the end of it, my nose was running like a snotty child. Look away, gorgeous Icelandic waitress! All in all, it was a good meal. Authentic enough for what you get here I suppose.

Also, managed to pick up the new issue of Grapevine today (welcome back!), and spent the afternoon reading it cover to cover by Tjörnin. I used to work for a free weekly back home in Bangkok so I know how much work and late hours were put into each issue. I’m gonna miss reading you guys when I go back next week (but if you have a job opening, have somehow lost your mind and want to hire someone from Bangkok…)

Keep up the good work guys 🙂


Wow, thanks for sending that over to us Chanun, we’re happy to hear you enjoyed it 🙂

Enjoy your stay in Iceland, if you’re still around when this issue goes to print, be sure to collect your prize for Best Letter.



I lost my camera while on a solo trek across Iceland back in July. I have a page called “Hrauneyjar Lost Camera” which I would like you to share in the hope of getting my camera back with my photos. I walked from Seydifjordur to Kidagil before losing my camera and I would really like those photos back. There is a reward for my SD card.


Oh man, that’s dreadful! People, if you find Mark’s camera, please let him (or us) know.

Best of luck,


Hi Reykjavik Grapeviners-

I’m  visiting from the U.S. for the Society of American Travel Writers convention currently going on in your city. I wanted to say thanks for your Aug 29-Sept 11 issue, which I was lucky enough to still find somewhere today. As a travel writer, the PR people always put the most ridiculously positive spin on everything possible. So I am very grateful to find this issue that expresses some different perspectives on local tourism. Thanks!


Teresa Bergen

Portland, Oregon, USA


Dear Teresa,

Thank you! It’s always nice to get encouraging letters like yours. We hope you enjoyed your stay.


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